Jul 15Liked by Prester John's Revenge

Excellent read. You nailed the seductive danger of the Baby Hitler Problem: if you have a chance to stop Hitler II now, instead of waiting for stuff to really get bad, wouldn’t you do it? Generations of people being taught that Germany should’ve just been crushed to powder in the early 30s has led to this mentality where any incipient threat—real or perceived—must be nipped in the bud NOW or else we’ll have another holocaust or world war or take your pick. The problem is, this impulse is weaponized by cynical bad actors to encourage people to do stuff like try and assassinate the regime’s rival in a way they can say they TECHNICALLY didn’t order or condone. It’s so sneaky you remember, “Ah, yes, most people in the regime and its accompanying media are either lawyers or journalists.”

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Sep 14Liked by Prester John's Revenge

Hindsight is 20/20

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meh... a little too light on the conspiracy angle. ( IMHO of course). Martin Luther by the time he was doing the poor people's marches had radical economic agenda on board - that's probably what got him killed - he could have marched into congress as a mainstream hero if he didn't continue rocking the boat. " what good is a desegregated counter if you can't buy a cup of coffee"

was it james earl ray or the US government?

as for Trump being a populist - and I know he runs on that agenda, and I liked him originally, but remember how hard the market rallied the day he was elected. Any real populist, anyone who truly was on the side of the working poor - and by that I mean working class/middle class their interests and the interests of the stockmarket don't align. one of his big legislations was a corporate tax cut. Not exactly burning it the fuck down. Did the trump presidency feel any different than America under Obama?

lasstly... i keep hearing them say

' politics has no place for violence"

These fuckers. I guess we deserve. Politics is violence. Gaza Ukraine, the upcoming war over taiwan - this is all politics, violence is the very beating heart of politics.

They lie through their teeth and when i hear Trump talk about having faith and fighting against wickedness and I get worried that he is full of it too, and that war is coming again and rivers of young innocent men's blood is gonna flow.

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You can get rid of the Golden Horde moniker then.

And make us men a sandwich.

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I did kind of mentally inhabit the alternate universe for a few minutes after this past weekend's errant strike, one where Trump was killed, and I'm sure that's not a world we would be very happy to be in at this moment, but who knows where it would take us 10 or 20 years from now? All those different scenarios are mind boggling. You could have written a book about them all, but I'm glad for your perspective here. So many very difficult moral questions. Like, I am universally opposed to genocide, full stop, but if you told me today that if we killed every person of a certain race it would avert more people dying in the future, what would I say? I would still oppose said genocide, but it's one of those thorny questions. It's a good thing we can't see the future, I suppose.

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